Guidance Throughout Your Career & Your Life.

Professional athletes have a notoriously small earnings window. Whereas the peak earning years of the average American are generally accepted to be between the late 40’s and early 50’s, most professional athletes are already near the end of their careers by age 30. At Capital Conclusions, we see beyond the endgame. To us, it’s only the beginning, and we can help better educate and guide these professionals though the financial maze as they enter a new chapter in their lives.

Providing Transparent & Independent Advice.

As a business, sports just keeps booming in popularity and in the money generated. Even in the relatively new field of e-gaming, top competitors can earn millions. The professional athletes in every sport devote their lives to honing their craft, but often overlook preparing themselves for life after the game. We field a team of professionals who have devoted their lives to understanding the complexities of financial management, and have provided personal guidance to celebrities from all major professional sports. They assist young athletes with maintaining control over their earnings, and, more importantly, with career transitioning and re-establishing their brands.

  • Financial Guidance
  • Brand Management
  • Career Transitioning