Protection Against the Threat of Legal Action.

That threat is very real - as an individual, you have a 33% chance of being sued in your lifetime. And if you own a small business, your chances increase dramatically. Between 36% and 53% of businesses participating in a recent survey by the Small Business Administration have faced lawsuits. At Capital Conclusions, our clientele includes high-net-worth individuals in high-profile professions, such as physicians and athletes, as well as sole proprietors working from their home offices. Regardless of your wealth or your business, our goal is to prevent you from looking like an attractive target for a lawsuit. We introduce the use of legal entities such as Trusts, Family Limited Partnerships, and other legal devices, and refer attorneys who can offer legal advice as to how to best implement these techniques.

Shielding Your Personal & Business Assets.

We believe that no reasonable attorney will initiate a lawsuit if there are no assets available once the action is successfully culminated. As with insurance, an asset protection plan utilizing legally recognized entities and asset classes exempt from creditors is a cornerstone in your financial security. Through our relationships with leading attorneys, we leverage their vast experience to create comprehensive asset protection strategies for our clients.

  • Corporations
  • Trusts
  • Family Limited Partnerships
  • Exempted Assets